Saturday, June 7, 2014

Bobo and JK's Birthday @ Ante Kitchen & Bar.

Super back-dated post but let's keep the blog here a little more alive. Celebrated friends' birthdays (yes, their birthdays fall on the same day, hence, we celebrate both together!) at Ante Kitchen and Bar, Publika.

Some friends to complement the ambient.

The girls who have been together since Form 4.

Mushroom soup, not the Campbell's way! :p

This ain't halal but.. Pork Ribs! 

Again, non-halal.. pork knuckles!

Personal verdict? Pork knuckles win, though I still think the one at El Cerdo's better. 

The Fat Us.

One of the unbiological sisters.
Birthday Girl!

Birthday Babies. 

Chempedak Cake from Swich Cafe, The cake was really awesome as it's not your usual Chocolate/ Cheese cake. In fact, its flavour is pretty rich!

The ladies and the birthday babies. 

Group shot!

Poor boy.. then again, he deserves it ;p

Again, he deserves it. 

The Gentlemen.

Another unbiological sister.

And another one!

A shot with the birthday boy this time!

Night was still young, hence, we proceeded to BarFly for some drinks.

Another friend of ours joined us..

And if you notice, there's another extra one in the picture. 

Just to end the night..
Self-timer shot. :p

This bunch of friends are one of the best people I've met my whole life, though we don't meet as often anymore, but really, nothing stops us from chatting away!