Saturday, May 17, 2014

YJ's Birthday Celebration at Komura Japanese Restaurant.

I've always love Japanese food since young with no particular reason but it's always been my top priority if I were to choose between other types of food. In fact, my boyfriend loves Japanese food too, hence, we went to Komura Japanese Restaurant at Corus Hotel last month. If you don't know where Corus Hotel is, it's located at the opposite road of KLCC. :) 

Komura actually serves ala carte buffet, right to your table instead of you walking one whole round to pick your own dishes - which can be pretty embarrassing if you are going to pig out. So yeah, we opt for ala carte buffets these days. :D With a fair price of RM 98++, it's a pretty good deal if you wish to have fresh sashimi and a mini private room to yourself. 

 The menu/ order chit. What you have to do is just tick whatever you want and hand it to the waiters/waitresses there. Oh, if you do not wish to wait for them to attend to you after serving you one portion, feel free to write down x2 right next to whatever you wish to order. 
Really fresh sashimi - consist of Salmon, Butterfish, Tuna and Octopus. Yum yum!
 Teppanyaki Salmon. 
 Tempura Moriawase.
 Cold Soba.
 Spider roll.
 And of course, desserts! Green tea and black sesame ice-cream with mochi!

Food is actually pretty good. There are some drawbacks though. Some of the dishes which include shishamo, unagi, spider roll and oyster are limited to one order per person. If you don't mind, you should totally give this a try! Oh, and if you are a Maybank Debit/Credit Card holder, you can get a discount of 10% off the bill too! :)

Last but not least, allow me to introduce my awesome other half..
Us after the meal! *we really got to start going on a diet. pfffft*

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's Day Celebration at D'Italiane.

First of all, a big shout out to all mommies who have done such a great job in bringing up their children! Of course, I can't be thanking everyone but my mom. Without her, I won't be where I am today. So thank you Mommy R for always being there when I need you! *big hug*

We have always practised the family tradition whereby big occasions within the family should be celebrated together and I believe most of the families are like this too. So, no big deal. As usual, we spent a whole day together today and to be quite honest, it has really been too long since I've last spent so much time with them.


Woke up early and head to Paradigm Mall for a family day out there - lunch and shopping of course! Had our lunch at D'Italiane in Paradigm Mall. The menu was pretty extensive ranging from risottos, pastas, ribs, poultry, fish and of course, pizzas! Unfortunately, I need to cut down on carbs so no pizza for me. :(
The menu is presented in the form of a tabloid paper. 
 The interior.
 The bar.
With 6 of us having 2 orders each, the waiter who took our orders impressed us by not writing them down and better still, didn't miss any of our orders. The service was pretty good too and that's one of the key things I look into when I visit anywhere for my meals. I need to dine in happily, no joke. 

About 20 minutes later, food was served. 
A pretty big bowl of Fresh Mushroom Soup (RM 13) which comes with 3 slices of foccacia bread slices. This was quite good I'd say! 
 My Lemonade Juice (RM 9), which I assumed it shouldn't be frizzy, but it was, so I didn't really like it that much. 
 3 pieces of Garlic Bread (RM 10), nothing great.
 Mom's Blueberry Madness (RM 13), which I didn't manage to try it.
 Bro's Mango Tuscany (RM 13) but I didn't try it either.
 Okay random photo, just because I like how the table number holder is made of corks. :D
 Youngest Bro's Fish & Chips (RM 28), didn't like the fish as it was not really flavourful. Guess the best is still Harry Ramsden's in the UK! 
 My Salmon with Shallot Sauce (RM 37). Aside from the salmon itself, this came with a whole piece of deep fried salmon skin, mashed potatoes and vege. The sauce's taste wasn't really flavourful as well but the mashed potatoes was pretty decent and fish was fresh. To me, it is just fine for those who prefer lightly-flavoured food.
 Bro's Espresso Lamb Shoulder (RM 45). I tried it but it tasted like some typical Chinese way of cooking with dark soy sauce (sorry!). However, he claimed that he could taste the espresso taste so.. I don't know.
 Sis' Grilled Balsamic BBQ Chicken Thigh (RM29). There was similarity of taste with another Chinese dish but it's nothing for me to hoo-ha about since the taste is nothing unique.

 Parents' Calzone (price ranged between RM 20 and RM 30 if I'm not wrong). The one dish that I did not try because of the carbs so no comments. :p

So yes, after filling in our tummies, family photo of course! I present to you.. 
My big and supportive family!

To be fair, the portions were really huge and value for money. So if you are the type who goes for quantity, feel free to visit them! As for me, the taste of the food has not left any remarkable impression so I don't think I will go back anytime soon unless it's for a tea session, then I probably would, just to try their desserts. :)

First, Let Me Talk About Me.

I know the title is a little too self-obsessed with myself but hey, I guess a little introduction will do no harm, right? :p

To start with, I am not new to blogging. In fact, I used to blog quite a bit years ago but it's all more on my personal happenings and what nots. And when I said it's personal, it really was - all the random conversations with people, random updates which may be quite long or really short for no reason and well, negativity of course. 

Then, I got tired of blogging. Not too sure why though. Perhaps, it's really a huge hassle to post up so many images to make the posts less wordy and more lively 'cause I can really be quite particular about the alignments and the flow of my post.. or I was just lazy. It could even be the never-ending happenings in my life that I don't have the time to post one event after another (HA-HA macam very lively but more of the fact that I wanted to post EVERY single detail of my life in my old blog).

I don't know what motivated me to start again though. I'd say it's really very random since I'm currently employed in one of the companies based in Petaling Jaya, Selangor. Oh yes, speaking of which, I really dislike the fact that I've to wake up really early in the morning for work and be stuck in the jam for at least an hour on a daily basis just to get there. I really don't wish to start on the hassle I've to go through just to get back home. Thank goodness I still look forward to my job as of now. 

Anyway, being employed means I basically have lesser time for myself when compared to my study life but oh well, we will have to work at some point in life. So yeah, I'm there now after graduating from Sheffield Hallam University in the UK.

Oh hi, this is me in Whitby (with really awesome Fish & Chips there by the way). 

Don't be deceived. I'm definitely rounder now - even my awesome family members think so too. Can't blame me, I have a loving boyfriend who enjoys food as much as I do. Sadly, I will need to lose weight within the shortest time now before I go on a trip with a bunch of my closest friends. 

Guess I'm done being self-obsessed with myself here for now. Thank you for reading a pretty long-winded introduction of myself. 

I hope you are not bored.