Sunday, November 30, 2014

Dealing with Homo-sapiens.

Finally entering the last month of 2014 - which also marks my 10th month being in the working world. 

This may sound really random but I've to say this - it has been a real challenge, especially when it's not like you can tell someone to buzz off just because you don't like how everything's being done. It may not sound like how doctors save the lives of millions or police forces chasing after those who have committed crime. But yeah, my life is all about dealing with people.

Sounds easy because it doesn't involve as much technical skills as engineers? Oh no, it isn't at all! Every individual I've met carries themselves differently. Some are plainly nice; some are always with a hidden agenda; some wouldn't give two shits about what's going on until they get into trouble; some demand for more and the more you give, the more they think it's not enough.

My job requires me to be the middle person of both sides which requires me to liaise with people internally and externally (duh!). Every party has different expectations and I will need to manage them, to ensure all will be contented with the outcomes.

I really don't mind working my ass off since it's my passion but some just enjoys testing my patience. It would be fine if people are understanding enough to know that they are not the only one that you deal with, but some are just plain pushy. Thinking they own everything and wants more out of it yadah-yadah, which is really a selfish mindset. Well, I hope you get my point.

Then again, not sure if this is my destiny or a path that I've chosen from the start. In fact, no matter how much you dislike them, it's pretty impossible to walk away from them because it's part of the job scope. The only way for me to be able to deal with all these - it will take a lot of time, patience and a strong, logical personality to deny their ridiculous requests.

Enough with the rants now, I just hope I can remain my sanity till the end of it. After all, it's a new day all over again. :)

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

So Horrible, Very Hilarious, Much Bosses!

Before you start going GrammarNazi on my title, go ahead and scroll down to find out why the title makes no (or very little) sense.

A million thanks to Nuffnang Malaysia and Warner Bros Pictures, I've won the first pair of movie tickets in 23 years of my life! Yes, you may go ahead and laugh it all out now. At least, I still get to watch the movie first! 
Don't be jealous of my free exclusive passes. :p
Of course must share the happiness with him!

Collected the exclusive movie passes to Horrible Bosses 2 at 8ish in TGV One Utama (also my first time there!) and lingered around. It was rather packed but I managed to take a quick glance around TGV. The design was pretty classy and I particularly liked their concepts of having different areas all at one place. They even have a foosball table in one of the dining places! So cool please!
My first times! *grins*

*Takes deep breathe to calm down as this is also my first time reviewing a movie* 

Okay, back to the 2-hour long comedy directed by Sean Anders, I practically laughed my butt off the whole time cause it was so hilarious! I can assure you I'm not the only one because the whole hall was roaring with laughter together!

A brief summary of this show, which is clearly not suitable for the kids:- 
  • The three stooges - Nick, Kurt and Dale, who were so sick of their ex bosses in Part 1, came up with a brilliant idea which allowed them to start a company of their own. 
  • Bert Hanson, a filthy rich owner of a huge company, tricked them to mass produce their product and bailed on them later on. 
  • Nick, Kurt and Dale tries to save their business and thought of an "ultimate" idea - kidnap the son of the company's owner, Rex Hanson (Chris Pine *drools*).
  • Rex found out about their plans and wanted to be a part of the kidnap. 
  • Kidnap was staged, Bert dies and Rex was arrested. 
  • Nick, Kurt and Dale ended up working for Nick's vulgar ex-boss again. 

Personally, I loved how every character is unique on its own. For instance, Dale and Kurt may be a little dumb but they are creative once in a while. I would say Nick is the most sensible one amongst the three of them but then again, he does all the crazy stuff with them just to ensure they don't screw up anything, which unfortunately they still do.  Rex was the key to twisting the whole plot with his surprising acts and the extend he would go to make something happen.

If there's any lesson to learn from this movie at all, it'd be:
  1. Real friends do crazy things, shout at each other's stupidity and still stick together through thick and thin. 
  2. Be brave enough to be creative, you never know where it will take you. 
  3. Never trust anyone easily.

Of course I can't disclose how everything happened, otherwise, there will be no surprise right? Do bear in mind though, this movie isn't exactly about how horrible their bosses were, but more to how horrible they are at being a boss themselves.

Nonetheless, I would still rate this movie with an 8/10 with all the nonsensical hilarious jokes that really cracked me up! Thus, please head down to your nearest cinemas, get the tickets and watch this show, especially when you need to really de-stress! 

Saturday, November 8, 2014

2nd Anniversary Celebration @ Fuego, Troika.

So, I wasn't supposed to know where we were going for our 2nd anniversary dinner and was only given a choice between:- 
  1. good food
  2. romantic ambience / great scenery
As a food lover, I choose the first one of course! So off we went for a dinner and arrived slightly earlier before 6pm. To my surprise, the restaurant that he intended bringing me to was Sky Dining @ Troika in KL (my first time there after hearing about that place for quite some time!).

FYI, there were four different eatery areas within the same floor namely Claret, Strato, Fuego and Cantaloupe.

As it was quite early and the table at Fuego wasn't ready, we were guided to a comfortable area with sofa at Claret and greeted by a friendly waiter there. The boyfriend ordered a Dry Martini and minutes after ordering, the other waiter told us that the table is ready. -_-Well, good thing was that the drink from Claret can be served at our table at Fuego.
The bar area at Fuego.

Our drinks (L-R): Dry Martini (RM 40) Infused Water with Cucumber and Thyme (RM 8 per bottle).

Ordered a few types of dishes and the first one was finally served after... less than 10 minutes. :D
Salmon Roe Guacamole served with crispy tapioca, lotus roots and yam (RM 25). 
Followed by Smoked Snails in the Jar served with garlic crisps (RM 30).

The first two dishes were really impressive and had higher expectations after for the main course. The food didn't serve immediately though as I believe they took ample time to serve us the next awesome dish. 

While waiting, chatted away and took a few shots before the night falls.
Before the city lights brighten the area.
My date for the night... and every other day and night. :p

At about 7ish, voilĂ , main course is served! 
Rare French Beef Flank (approx. 500 gm) served with Yuzu & Black Pepper Sauce (RM 125).
Pressed Potato topped with Black Olive  (RM 20).

The main dishes definitely met our expectations, especially the meat which was so juicy! In fact, I ate it without the sauce most of the time as it was really well-marinated. *slurps*

Wanted to try their desserts as well but was too full at that point of time, hence, took our time to digest what we've eaten and enjoyed the view for a while more.
City Lights of KL at 8ish.
With such great scenery, of course must have us inside right!

Ordered one dessert to share and thank goodness we didn't ordered another as it was huge. After some contemplation, we chose the Berries Pavlova. 
Berries Pavlova with berries (duh!) and FlambĂ© Brandy (RM 35). 

I reserved my thoughts on Pavlova as the one I first had in Alexis was quite a let down, since I never fancied anything with lots of cream. However, this Pavlova was totally different from Alexis' as the texture itself was really unique. It was crunchy on the outside and cold on the inside with some kinda cream that tasted very much like yogurt. Complemented by a hint of sourness from the berries, this was definitely one of the most awesome desserts I've ever had!

It was really a great night out with him at such an awesome place with great atmosphere to match the event. I had the best of both worlds - awesome food and ambience, and most of all, with the boyfriend!
I can't thank you enough for what you've done for us, but I promise you that I will do just as much to keep moving forward towards the same future. Thank you darl. <3

Monday, November 3, 2014

Short Getaway to Grand Lexis PD!

What would you do to release stress after more than 2 months of preparation for a huge (fruitful) event? For me, this was definitely one of the many things I looked forward to - a short getaway with the girls during last weekend! The last time we had such bonding session was after SPM and oh my, that's almost 5 years ago. Time flies, for sure! 

After some not-so-detailed planning and a whole load of cars on the road jamming, we arrived at Lukut for lunch at Lucky Seafood Restaurant to indulge into the mouthwatering...
Famous Giant Curry Chicken Bun... (to be honest, I'm not even sure if it's THAT famous but the taste is pretty decent) 
... and Salted Egg Mantis Prawns (this was really quite good as each was crunchy and flavourful!)

As Grand Lexis and the restaurant were only about 15 minutes away, we took our own sweet time dining in and going around the area to search for cheaper alcohol. Ended up buying some soft drinks because one of our alcoholic friends brought some beer and vodka. :D Check-in time was at about 4pm and only managed to get the room by 5 pm as it was rather jam-packed with humans too. -_-

Well, doesn't matter cause the rooms were so huge and comfy that you will forget about any stress you have for that moment! In fact, it was pretty worth the money as we managed to book Grand Lexis' Grand Pool Villa for only RM 680 per night, thanks to MATTA Fair's rate!
The living area/ flat screen TV/ make-up area.
The king-sized beds that fit 6 people comfortably! 
The dry kitchen area which is fully equipped with cutleries, plates, cups and a microwave. 
First part of the bathroom..
... and second part of the bathroom.

And of course, the highlight of this room...
A freaking outdoor pool! By the way, outdoor pools are available for upper units while the lower ones have indoor pools. 

Okay, to be honest, the pool is not for swimming cause it's too small and there were 6 of us. Good for camwhoring though! :p 

By the time we're done with swimming and bathing, it's already almost 9 pm and we headed out to PD Waterfront to hunt for dinner at some Taiwanese restaurant, which was near Pak Hailam Kopitiam. The prices were quite affordable and portions were huge, but please don't put too high expectations on the taste. 

Went back to the room by 10-ish to proceed with our bonding session accompanied by some drinks and lots of laughter.

Well, the trip didn't stop there because we headed to Malacca on the following day after checking out of the hotel! Some of the food that were in our must-have list included Klebang's Coconut Shake (sadly no photo of it) and some others such as:-
Jonker 88's Baba Cendol @ RM 4.
Jonker 88's Nyonya Laksa @ RM 7 (reall huge portion!)
Bunga Raya's Popiah @ RM 4 per roll. 
Aunty Lee's Nyonya Restaurant @ Jalan Ujong Pasir, Taman Sinn, 75050 Melaka. Total bill came to about RM 120 for the dishes! Super worth it!

This pretty much sums up everything but before I end this post, I sincerely thank every one of them who made it for the trip despite the different schedules that we have these days. This made me realise further that we don't need to see each other often but the bond remains tight, no matter how long we've not met or spoken to one another. This is what best friends are all about. :) 
 Wouldn't trade them for some other people in the world.