Sunday, June 28, 2015

A Surprise Getaway @ Philea Resort & Spa, Malacca!

Bear with me for this really backdated post cause it happened in early May, when we stayed at Lexis Hibiscus for a night. Time to talk about this super unexpected surprise from my boyfriend - a getaway at Philea Resort & Spa in Malacca! 

Following from our stay at Lexis Hibiscus, the next day was supposedly a one-day makan trip in Malacca. Once we've arrived at the toll, I happened to see the signboard to Philea Resort & Spa, which is one place that I've always wanted to go. Anyway, bugged the boyfriend to turn in so that we can take a look at the place, which he somehow reluctantly did. :p 

It was quite a beauty from the outside but we couldn't enter further. Had a random idea and decided to challenge my boyfriend for a walk-in reservation. He surprisingly took that idea into serious consideration and asked us to get our luggage out from the car. His rationale? With us and our luggage at the reception counter, the receptionists will not tell us that there are no rooms available. After all, don't all backpackers do that? -_-" 

I told him that this is a freaking classy hotel and backpackers won't usually stay in classy hotels. Besides, it would look really embarrassing if there really isn't any room for us but he said we should just do it for fun anyway. In all honesty, I wouldn't have thought of him being that random but well... why not right? 

So we took our luggage and walked over to the counter. I was already starting to feeling weird and seeing my expression, he suddenly started smiling really wide and said "Of course got room for us lah cause we've booked one." 

That really left me speechless for a few seconds while I stared at him blankly and questioned him after with only a few words like... 
"Are you serious?" 
"Don't joke please." 
"You have a gathering to go to later today in KL."

Well, turned out it was true. He made the booking and in just a few minutes time, the room is ready for us. Emotions were all over me - happy, excited, shocked, disbelief and yeah, I freaking teared as I looked at him smiling and enjoying the welcome drink which was part of the Groupon package that he's bought for us both. So gam dong can? :p
Our welcome drink, Asam juice, which was super refreshing and one scoop of ice-cream for each of us. 

Once we're done with our drinks and desserts, there was a buggy at the main entrance to send us to our room. Thought it was pretty cool and probably, quite a distance. Turned out that it's only less than two minutes walk from the main area. *facepalm*

Some shots within our Pavilion Room, which was located at the second floor. 
Bed.. sofa.. my bottle. 

The other side of the bed.. and of course, the air-conditioner. :p

The place where you brush your teeth, wash your face and you can even soak your body in the bathtub next to it.

This is where you pee and poop. And the shower area just a divider away. 

So, with so little time to spare and strong cravings for Laksa and Cendol, finally arrived at Jonker88 which is located at Jonker Street after a 20-minute drive. 
Hello Laksa! This is the Kahwin Laksa, which is a mixture of Baba Laksa and Nyonya Laksa. Tastes pretty unique with a hint of sourness and spiciness. Something like tomyum.. but not tomyum.

No pictures of the Cendol cause it was too good and I don't want to share the photo here so that I don't crave for it as I continue typing this entry now.

Okay, I just forgotten all about taking shots of it.

Next stop was The Baboon House which is located somewhere nearby. Apparently, they're supposed to be quite famous for the burgers. Too bad there are no photos here too as they don't allow people taking shots when you're within the vicinity. But do try it, cause it's really pretty good, including their fruit smoothies!

After food... food... there's more food. Drove to Pak Putra Tandoori & Naan Restaurant to try their famous Tandoori Chicken with Naan. Not too bad, but I still prefer William's Corner's Garlic Cheese Naan lah! 
The chicken.

Some mutton which I can't recall it's name now.

The Naan.

Don't underestimate the restaurant cause despite it serving normal dishes where you may find it at any other ordinary mamak stalls, the place which only opens at 5.30 pm, is already filled with people by 6 pm. 

With so much food, of course must walk a bit right? So, we walked along the Malacca River and I think it gives a pretty nice view if the river is not brown in colour.
Day time shot vs...
Night time shot. So romantic hor. :p

Also went up to Menara Taming Sari and we were just in time when the sun was already setting and lights were switched on. RM 15 per person to experience it with complimentary bottled water and some dodols. It's really pretty pricey, but okay lah just for the touristy experience.
The night market - view from top.

Finally headed back to the room cause we didn't want to go for Jonker Street. Took a short tour around to see what the facilities were which included a computer room, games room, dining restaurants, swimming pool and many, many rows of rooms which looked unoccupied.
Night scenery at the swimming pool area. What a view...gosh.


Yes, the calming view.

The main receptionist area at night.

There was also a pub for you to enjoy music and have a drink, with Darts board and a pool table outside. Decided to play two rounds of pool before we finally take a good rest in that eco/ zen atmosphere. 

On the second day (which is also the final day), buffet breakfast was provided as early as 7 am and the food was... just alright. No photos cause it's your typical buffet spread. 

Checked out much later and headed to Jalan Tengkera for Baba Charlie Nyonya Cake. There were so much variety to choose from that I felt like I should just try every single thing there. Bought quite a massive amount of kuih and one of the best ones was the ondeh-ondeh. It's just so good that it melts in your mouth. *already craving for this now!* 
at Baba Charlie Nyonya Cake.

After the shopping trip at Baba Charlie's, we headed to Baba Low which was just across the street for...  
Pai Tee...


Nyonya Laksa...

...and cendol. Again, no photos WTF too busy eating idontcare. 

Food was decently priced and portion is good enough for two. Loved the popiah and pai tee lor! Laksa was great too! So, if you have time, please go and try them okay? 

Last stop of our trip was Jeta Groves, which was supposed to be famous for their Durian Cendol... too bad it wasn't durian season that time, hence, didn't manage to try. 

But, they have this thing called Hot Cendol, which we ordered one. Tasted very much like Bubur Chacha or something. Quite good but I would still prefer the cold one. :p 

Hot Cendol.

All in all, it was a great trip with the surprise, the food and most importantly, the companionship from him. :) 

Anyway, if you'd like to go to some of these places for food, addresses are as below:- 

Jonker 88
No. 88, Jalan Hang Jebat (Jonker Street) 75200 Melaka.

Pak Putra Tandoori & Naan Restaurant 
Jalan Laksamana 4, 75200 Melaka, Malaysia

Baba Charlie Lee (pretty hidden and it's a super narrow road to go into the house, so would suggest you to park along the road and walk in)
72, Jalan Tengkera Pantai 2, 75200 Melaka

486 Baba Low (just across the street, opposite Baba Charlie Lee)
486 Jalan Tengkera, 75200 Melaka.

Jeta Groves (near Mahkota Parade)
115, Jalan Melaka Raya 13, Taman Melaka Raya, 75000 Melaka, Malaysia.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

My First AirBnB Experience @ Bangkok!

Had a great trip in Bangkok with the boyfriend last week but before I begin blogging about all the places and experiences I had, thought it's really important to talk about about my very first AirBnB experience in Asia! :) 

For those who wonder what AirBnB is, this is a website which allows you to rent places to stay from locals of the countries at more affordable rates compared to hotels. 

Anyway, months before the trip, I made the first booking via the website but unfortunately, the booking got cancelled by the host without a reason. With an experience as such, there was the good and the bad to it.

The Good: AirBnB will refund the booking fee to you as well as providing extra discount for the next booking if the booking is cancelled by the host. 
The Bad: As you will be charged in USD, the refund may differ from the initial amount that you've paid. Also, there are lower chances for you to find the next listing which may be on par from what you've previously booked. 

With it being cancelled, it created slight uneasiness as I thought that "hey, maybe this is not as reliable as I thought it'd be." 

Nonetheless, I tried searching for another listing and came across a pretty decent looking one for a slightly higher price than the initial one. Upon agreement with the boyfriend, I clicked into the listing and made my booking.

It was all good until a few days later. Nattapon, the host of this listing messaged me and asked if I could cancel my booking as there were some issues with his apartment's management and they no longer allow the owners renting out the units on a daily/ weekly basis. 

As there were no other affordable listings that were convenient and available anymore, I started panicking and discussed with Nattapon if we can still stay. He was nice enough to explain the situation and stated that he was just worried that the management will bother us during our stay, but we both agreed on the stay in the end. He even offered to share some places to go with us so that we can plan our trip well.

Prior to our trip, he emailed a long list of places to go including what they offer, some even with directions on how to get there. As the date got closer, we arranged on how we should meet one another to get the keys and how do we get to his place. 

To our surprise, he offered to drive us to his place from Siam BTS Station on our day of arrival and even shared how we can get about from the moment we landed at Don Mueang Airport! 

Once we touched down, we bought a SIM Card from TrueMove, one of the telcos there that offers one of the cheapest package - 299 Baht for 7 days with free 100 Baht call-time and 1.5 GB data.  

After settling the SIM Card, we took a metered taxi (yes, this is really important as some taxi drivers wanted to charge us 500-600 Baht to Mo Chit BTS Station) and were charged less than 200 Baht for our ride from the airport to Mo Chit BTS Station. 

At Mo Chit BTS Station, we bought the Day Pass (priced at 130 Baht per person and is available at all BTS stations), which allows you to travel via BTS line for unlimited rides for the day. Took the train to Siam Station and met Nattapon there.

He drove us to his apartment and on the way there, he even gave us a quick tour around the city centre. Upon arrival, he brought us to his apartment to leave our luggage there and even provided us with two 1.5L bottled water, while he went to settle some bills. 

Some photos of the studio apartment which was cosy and comfortable enough for two:
The TV and sofa in front of the bed.
The bed with a full length mirror next to it. There was also a huge wardrobe.
The toilet.
The shower area.
The pantry area which included cutleries, bowls and plates as well. 

Once everything was done, he was kind enough to send us to Central Embassy for our late lunch at Somboon Seafood Restaurant, which was one of the places he recommended to us too. :) We even offered for him to join us for lunch but I guess he was a little shy, hence, he didn't manage to. So before we bid our goodbyes, a group photo of us! :)  
Nattapon and us in front of the restaurant. :) 

Anyway, some tips that I've learnt this time round from the AirBnB experience:-
  • Prior to making any bookings, it is best to communicate with the host to check on its accessibility and if the management has any similar issues with renting out the units on a daily/weekly basis.
  • Once you've initiated the communication, you will then be able to gauge if the host is a friendly and easy-going one. The last thing you want to have is an unhelpful host who end up giving you problems (such as the one who cancelled the listing without informing me).
  • From the communication, you will also be able to gauge their language proficiency, which will totally make everything easier since you can then get messages across better.
The bottom line is to really initiate that communication before you decide to make any bookings! All in all, it was truly a great experience despite the fact that we had to pretend we're Thais or we don't speak at all when we're on the way up to our studio apartment to ensure that we don't blow our cover. :p He also checked on us after to make sure that the management did not give us any issues during our stay, and we're truly thankful that our stay was a smooth one, and it was awesome to meet someone like him! :) 

I truly wish him all the best and will definitely look forward to meeting him again someday, perhaps when he is in Malaysia the next time round!

Wednesday, June 10, 2015


I want to believe,
That forever exists, 
Knowing the drift,
The story always twists. 

We were so perky, 
So into one another, 
Even if things turned nasty, 
It's us that matter.

Unsure of how and when, 
These had all begun, 
We have hearts to mend, 
Or all we do is shun. 

Only to find out,  
What's been in your head, 
Now with questions and doubts, 
Accompanies me to bed. 

Is it too late to feel,
This damage that has been done?
It wasn't part of the deal, 
That we might be left with none. 

Will we ever go back, 
Back to where we used to be,
Or are we now a wreck, 
If so, what are we? 

It's been so long since the last original that I've composed.

Goodnight, all.