Monday, April 18, 2016

My (Unpleasant) Experience at JPJ Bandar Sri Permaisuri.

Haven't been updating much these two weeks because am a little caught up with work and enjoying life but today, I feel there is a need for me to talk about this no matter how late it is because it still pisses me off until now gaddammit.

So, I was at JPJ Bandar Sri Permaisuri in the afternoon earlier today and upon arrival, the first thing that happened was the malfunction ticket machine. It wasn't an issue because luckily they had someone stationed at the counter, whom by the way, had no smiles on her face at all though you smiled at her.

Okay fine. I figured must be because the hot weather that's killing everyone's mood and maybe their air-cond wasn't like York Cooling King, so I forgave her.

Then, I had to wait for 85 people before it's my turn. Scouted for a seat and ohmygawd, out of 13 counters, only half of the counters are open like WTF? By then, I was already thinking of a few excuses for this scenario - gone for lunch, lack of staff (I don't even know why though there are so many people who needs a job these days), gone to the toilet to do some business etc.

So, I waited.. and waited.. in a stuffy and packed place.

50 minutes later... 7 people left before me.


Okay lah, fine. I try to understand. System is not upgraded cause got no money to do so, hence, will go bonkers a little.

Best part was that they started asking people to line up and it's not even according to numbers. Just based on why you're there i.e. renew road tax or licenses. -__-

Since the numbering system is gone, it was more of a first come first serve basis / luck game. Ended up have to wait for another 15-20 minutes just to renew my license.

They even made it compulsory to buy the card holder that is costs RM 1. Actually, I'm not even sure if it's compulsory because when I asked the lady, the way she answered was a little uncertain. I don't even need it but have to buy lor since she said it's compulsory.

THAT'S NOT IT. During my observation, I see some of them really rude to the public and I really hated the way they spoke to people.

So yes, really pissed at what happened today. 

Also, can anyone verify if it is compulsory to buy the card holder? I damn beh song because I felt like I just got robbed (though it's only RM 1 lah.)!

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