Sunday, May 15, 2016

Mother's Day Celebration @ #ByHalf Cafe, Sri Petaling.

Was googling what to eat for Mother's Day and came across #ByHalf Cafe (it also means By Having A Little Faith) while I was web-crawling for food. Made a booking for 7 only a day before via their Facebook page to celebrate Mother's Day last week during dinner time with the family. The cafe was rather easy to find as it's in Waze but the difficult part was to find a parking slot because that area is getting more packed than ever. -_-

After rounding for a few times, finally gave up and parked at the private parking place that charges at RM 2 for the first hour and RM 1 for each subsequent hour. What a rip-off!

Arrived at the cafe and the place was rather quiet probably 'cause it's location isn't as strategic. On top of that, the cafe has very limited tables but it's quite cosy. 
From where I sat.

Order here please! 

Placed our orders at the counter and paid on the spot. Good thing is they accept credit cards (Visa, Master AND Amex!), but the only menu that you will ever encounter is the board behind the counter. So if you're unlucky, you may just meet a bunch of people who end up hogging that area deciding what to eat. Lucky enough for us though, the only one hogging that place was my family during that time. :p 
My Iced Latte (RM 11): Wasn't that good. Could only taste bitterness and isn't that aromatic. 
Sister's Green Tea Latte (RM 12): Taste was very mild and she didn't like it. Requested to add in more green tea powder and the barista was very kind to make a new one for her instead. Thumbs up on the service. 

Youngest Bro's Passionfruit Peach Earl Grey Tea (RM 12): Taste was so-so according to him. 

The boyfriend's Iced Cappucino (RM 11): I preferred this over the Latte because it's slightly sweeter. 

Mom's Chamomile Tea (RM 12): Don't remember what brand was it but do you think it's slightly overcharged? :/

Anyway, the place is so small that the kitchen is actually an open-kitchen concept. As you can see, the team is relatively young. However, you can actually see and taste the passion that they have in cooking because the food felt homemade and it tasted authentic to my palates.
Busy preparing the food for us. Looks like there's only two main chefs there. 

Pumpkin Soup (RM11.90): Very, very buttery but it was lacking the pumpkin taste. 

Mushroom Soup (RM11.90): This was quite okay, though it would be more fragrant if there are more variety of mushrooms blended together.

Sister's and YJ's Smoky Ducky with Sundried Tomato Pasta (RM 16.90): The taste was not disappointing at all with medium-sized duck meat slices. I actually liked it. 

Brother's Salmon Salsa with Poached Eggs and Spinach (RM 21.90): Substantial amount of salmon, topped with salsa and toasted bread at the bottom. Would give it to them for the portion but my brother said the taste was nothing memorable. 

Dad's Honey Glazed Chicken Bathed with Lavender (RM18.90): Dad didn't fancy it (then again, he prefers Chinese over Western) but I did as there were hints of Lavender taste without overpowering the dish.  
Youngest Bro and Mom's Grill Chicken with Marinara Sauce (RM 18.90): Mom had no complaints about it but the youngest bro actually thought it was too small. I tasted it personally to and I think the taste was alright but then again, what can go wrong with Marinara Sauce right? 

Finally, my Calamari with CousCous (RM 29.90), which I waited for at least 30 minutes and when my family is done with their food. Though the taste was quite bland, I liked it cause it's not filled with artificial seasoning or some sort. Also, the calamari was decently sized. Definitely better than Nosh Up's where it really sucked. 

Lastly, a family photo together!

Though some of the food didn't have lots of tasting notes to begin with, but I believe the food served was supposed to be on the healthier side and this is great start for my family because they really need to start eating healthier. :p Didn't get to try their desserts cause we headed to Inside Scoop instead. If you'd like to try some of their dishes such as Beetroot Pesto Pasta, Pumpkin Sauce Pasta or some other dishes that I have or have not tried, feel free to head on to their cafe!

#ByHalf Cafe
No. 20, Jalan Radin Bagus 6, Bandar Baru Sri Petaling, Kuala Lumpur. 
Opening Hours (closed on Tues): Mon, Weds & Thurs (11am - 10pm) | Fri-Sun (11am - 12mn)

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