Sunday, February 21, 2016

(Part 2) Swiss-Garden Beach Resort, Damai Laut.

Following from Part 1 of my previous post on Swiss-Garden Beach Resort, the second day was pretty chilled. Had buffet breakfast early in the morning which served quite a number of choices.

The toast area.
... more pastries.
Cereal counter.
Cold cuts.
Fresh fruits.
Nasi lemak.

Pretty sure there were a few more types of food but no photos were taken cause the food was so-so. The fact that there were flies around made it more unappetizing. :(

After breakfast, walked around and chilled for a bit before our next agenda of the day - learning how to make a Black Forest cake! Okay la.. so it's not made from scratch but hey, it's still something new to learn!

Cool right? They actually have a variety of in-house activities that you can sign up for and there are different activities from 9 am to 5 pm everyday.
The chef who taught us how to make the cake. 
My future chef :p
Me looking so serious HAHAH.
This is how you spread the cream on the cake.
Decoration time!
Ta-daaaa! Our finished product which we got to eat two slices too! :p

Since the town is really super far away (no kidding) and we're too lazy to drive out, the cake became our lunch and we just hung out at the beach for a few hours. Even tried on jetski and totally regret not taking photos with it. Pfffft!
Nothing much, just two cool kids at the beach. 
The beach and myself.  
So cute la the guy behind me. :p

Waited till the sunset and it was beautiful.  
See what I meant? :) 

All in all, it was a pretty chilled trip and if anyone needs that kinda break from the hustle bustle of the city, this can be another option if you don't mind flies around. As for me, don't think I'm going back there anytime soon because the flies kinda spoilt it. Nonetheless, I may still consider to go again if I have nowhere else to go. :p 

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