Monday, February 22, 2016

CNY 2016.

After 15 days of good food, yee sang, cookies and deep fried arrowhead, CNY 2016 has finally come to an end and I already can't wait for the next one! :p Despite being unwell till now, it was all worth it because... let the pictures do the talking!
Day 1 @ Thean Hou Temple with the family.
And met up with Aileen on Day 1.
Look who joined me this year at my maternal family side on the 2nd day! 
Cute toddler!
First time taking a huge family photo!

Day 3 was all about lunch and then mahjong till the next morning, with Day 4 sleeping most parts of the day. :p

Then comes Day 5 - House hopping with the gang!
Elly Wong.
Audrey Leow.

Mahjong partners. It's been a long time! 
Group shot.
Yee Sang in the afternoon for the first time... while waiting for Shaun.

Day 6 was when my friends came over! :D
Group 1!  
High school friends. 
Wahaha super cute Xi Er!
Group 2... who mostly ended up gambling till next morning again WTF.

Fell sick on Day 8 and only recovered slightly 4 days later. Well, still had to work anyway and there was a dinner that night for Johnnie Walker Blue Label.
Look at what I've won! :D 

Yeap, this pretty much sums up my CNY 2016 and it was awesome making memories, gambling and food! Only downfall was being sick, hence, need to make a mental note to self - don't gamble till early mornings two days in a week! Hah. Who am I kidding? Am already looking forward to next year's! :p

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